The first rule of intelligent tinkering is to save all the parts. - Aldo Leopold


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Weekend in the Garden

Enjoying the long weekend in the quite and peace of our garden, but it wasn't all rest. Much seed saving and plant propagation to be done.

Strawberries are always popular, millions of runners, they are like rats fleeing a sinking ship I wanted lots for the School Garden so I have let them go for it this year.

I will keep the Hokawase to increase my stock, it is by far the best flavour Strawb I have. Thanks Brad !

School garden seed trays to sell at the Fair for the PnC.

Some Bush Beans from the School Garden. Now the kids can plant their own seeds.

Carrot Seeds, I was a bit slack so these will be a cross of Purple Dragon, and Royal Chantenay.
That is 1/3 of each type and 1/3 new random stuff, isn't it exciting.

Mini Chocolate Capsicum from Diggers Collection

I think Alex misunderstood me calling them good little seed savers.
Watch out the Seed Sabres are out.

Finally picked the New Guinea Bean at our Permaculture Northern APEs meeting, thankfully it was full of seeds, so plenty for everyone next year.

1 comment:

  1. All great worthwhile stuff! Keep it up.
